Tag Archives: prepaid

StarHub Maxmobile Prepaid Renewal – Sorry, the data plan is not available for your SIM

The starhub maxmobile prepaid service here in Singapore is a pretty good deal, it’s SGD$18 for 5 days access up to 2 GB/day and after this you can renew for SGD$32  for  a further 60 days (at 3.5GB /day) , which is an even better deal.

The problem is the renewal process is a pain in the neck and every time I have tried to do it on the phone( *123#31) it comes up with Sorry, the data plan is not available for your SIM. Please call 1633 for assistance.

This is annoying,  especially if you just spent SGD$32 and loaded 4  x SGD$8 sim cards onto a phone you think you can no longer use! and don’t expect much insight if you do call 1633…

However, the fix is relatively easy… you have to know the number for your phone (which was on the outside of the sim card pack when you bought it) and the password (which is the last 6 digits on the simcard itself – starhub have a graphic to show this on the login page.)

with these two bits of information you then go here and when logged in it shows you your balance and allows you to activate the plan.